Class C Ip Checker | SeoWiz Free SEO Tools

Class C Ip Checker

Search Engine Optimization

Ultimate Class C Ip Checker Tool

Enter up to 40 Domains (Each Domain must be on separate line)

About Ultimate Class C Ip Checker Tool

All the devices connected to the internet are assigned IP addresses. That IP address is provided by an Internet Services Provider (ISP). IP address stands for internet protocol and is necessary for every device in a network. An IP address consists of four binary octets separated by a period. If you look at your device’s IP, it may look something like IP addresses range starts from and ends at

An IP address is something that makes it possible for the devices to interact and communicate with each other within a network and over the internet. Your ISPs are responsible to provide you with an IP address. IP addresses are dynamic and static, you either get a dynamic IP address or a static IP address based on your plan with your ISP.

Class C IP Checker is a very simple tool that lets you know the class of IP address of a specific domain. With this valuable information, you may be able to know about the duplication of the same address. Using this IP address class C checker, you can see if different websites are being hosted by the same IP address range.

This Class C IP Checker lets you find out whether or not many domains have been hosted by the same class C IP range. This amazing tool will also help you to discover class C IP blocks and duplicate IP addresses.

Classes of IP address

The complete IP address range is split into five classes which are:

  • Class A: An IP address has two portions, the network part, and the host’s part. In class A, IP addresses the first bit of the network part is always set to 0, which makes its total range from to
  • Class B: For class B IP addresses the first bit of the network part is set to 1 and the second bit is set to 0. The IP address range is from to
  • Class C: For class C IP addresses the first two bits of the network part are set to 1 and the third bit is 0. IP address range of class C is to
  • Class D: The first three bits of the network part are 1 and the fourth bit is 0. class D IP addresses are reserved for multicasting groups. The IP address number ranges from to
  • Class E: This class is reserved for testing and experimentation and has never been used in any standard form.

Why Class C IP Checker Tool is needed?

What is the purpose of the Class C IP Checker Tool?

The purpose of this tool is to check whether the same class C IP is shared among many domains on shared hosting platforms.

As class C IP block is dynamically distributed among multiple nodes, there are many risks involved with them. If your website is hosted on a shared hosting platform with a dynamic class C IP block, there is a high chance of sharing class C IP with some other blacklisted website. In such a case, your website may also be blacklisted. As search engines use the IP along with its domain name to search your website, the IP address used by the blacklisted domain may also get blacklisted. This thing will badly impact your search ranking and SEO efforts.

So, if you have purchased a hosting service for your website, you may be interested in knowing which other domains are sharing the same class C IP. For such curiosities, we present to you Class C IP Checker Tool for free.

How to use Class C IP Checker Tool presents you with a very simple and elegant Class C IP Checker Tool for free. You can follow these simple steps to use this tool:

  • Enter the domain names of the websites you want to identify the class C IP in the Text Area, separated by a line.
  • Now click the “Get Info” button to get the results.

Class C IP Checker will display hostnames, IP addresses, Class C IP, and status.

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