Page Speed Checker | SeoWiz Free SEO Tools

Page Speed Checker

Search Engine Optimization

Ultimate PRO Page Speed Checker

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About Ultimate PRO Page Speed Checker

What is Page Speed?

Page Speed sometimes referred to as the “Load Time of a website” is the amount of time it takes to load up the content on your webpage. in other words, the amount of time between the browser’s request for the page and the complete content appearance of the page is referred to as Page Speed.

Page Speed does impact your ranking with search engines. As nobody wants to spend more time waiting to load the content of a page, it affects the overall user experience. To avoid that you can use tools, like our own free Page Speed Checker Tool, to evaluate your webpages speed and load time.

Tools like Page Speed Checker can analyze and provide insightful information about your website’s page speed. It can very easily determine which of your pages are loading fast and which ones are slow.

How does Page Speed get measured?

There are a lot of ways to measure the page speed of a website. Some very common ones are described below.

Fully Loaded Page: As the name suggests, it is the measure of time to completely load up your page’s content.

Time to First Byte: Time to First Byte (TTFB) is the amount of time it takes for a page to start its loading process. usually, when you land on a page with a white screen for some amount of time (few seconds), that is TTFB at work.

First Contextual Paint: Sometimes referred a First Meaningful Paint, is the amount of time that a page takes to load enough so that its content is available to read at least. This will make users interact with your page instantly, and it helps in a good user experience.

Why Page Speed Checking is Important?

Website load time is very crucial and important to your site visitors. Most users expect to load a website instantly, within seconds. Otherwise, they will leave the page for the next website with better page speed.

If your website page load time is high, then it will have a bad impact on the user’s experience and you will get less traffic on your website.

To prevent all of this you need to check your website’s pages using our free Page Speed Checker tool. This will help you to optimize your website and as result, more visitors will come to your website.

About Page Speed Checker Tool

Page Speed Checker is a free premium quality tool by SeoWiz. It is created to check your website’s page speed so that you have insightful information about your website’s pages. With this information, you can increase visitors’ experience and make them stay longer on your website.

Also, Page Speed Checker will show you the pages that need improvements to speed up the load time.

How to use our FREE Page Speed Checker tool

You can use our free Page Speed Checker tool at SeoWiz. You don’t have to be an expert to use this simple tool. Follow these steps.

  • Go to (SeoWiz)
  • Enter the URL you want to test for a speed check.
  • And click “Check”.

Just sit back and relax, you will get all the results right away.